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Apex Product List

S.No Products Composition
1 CEPEX 1000 Ceftraixone 1000
2. CEPEX-S 1.5 Ceftraixone + Salbactum 1500
3. APEE-C Plus Methylcobalamin2500+Vit C 150 Mg+ Folic Acid 0.7 Mg+Niacinamide 12 Mg
4. FIME-TZ 1.125 Cefipime 1000 + Tazobactum 1.125
5. APTUM 1GM Cefaperazone + Salbactam 1000
6. APTUM-DS 1.5 Cefaperazone 1000+ Salbactam 500
7. PIPEX-TZ Piperacilline + Tazobactum 4.5gm
8. APICORT Tramesulon 4mg
9. DEPEX 25 Nandrolone deca 25
10. DEPEX 50 Nandrolone deca 50
11. PEXTEE Arteether
12. APEE-V Methylcobalamin 1500 mcg. + vitamins
13. APEE 2500 Methylcobalamin2500
14. APCIN 500 Amikacin 500